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GOP Bid to Defund Planned Parenthood Threatens Gov’t Shutdown

HeadlineSep 23, 2015

Senate Democrats have blocked a Republican bid to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. The move comes as a push by Republicans to defund Planned Parenthood threatens to shut down the government at the end of the month. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has scheduled a vote Thursday on a measure to keep the government funded through December 11. But the measure also strips federal funding from Planned Parenthood. On Tuesday, New Hampshire Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte, who supports defunding Planned Parenthood, took to the Senate floor to scold her Republican colleagues for threatening to shut the government down again.

Sen. Kelly Ayotte: “I’m tired of the people on my side of the aisle who are pushing this strategy even though they know they don’t have the votes to have it pass the United States Senate, and they certainly don’t have the votes to override a presidential veto. And so, therefore, they can’t answer the question: What’s the end game for success here, even if you feel as passionately about these issues as we all do?”

The New Hampshire senator is up for re-election next year.

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