Climate activists are claiming they have shut down all tar sands oil coming into the United States by manually turning off pipelines in Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota and Washington state.
According to a statement posted online: “This morning, by 7:30 PST, 5 activists have successfully shut down 5 pipelines across the United States delivering tar sands oil from Alberta, Canada in support of the call for International Days of Prayer and Action for Standing Rock. Activists employed manual safety valves, calling on President Obama to use emergency powers to keep the pipelines closed and mobilize for the extraordinary shift away from fossil fuels now required to avert catastrophe.”
The activists said they targeted the following pipelines: Enbridge Line 4 and 67 in Leonard, Minnesota; TransCanada’s Keystone pipeline in Walhalla, North Dakota; Spectra Energy’s Express pipeline in Coal Banks Landing, Montana; and Kinder-Morgan’s Trans-Mountain pipeline, Anacortes, Washington.
Breaking: ALL tar sands pipelines crossing Canada/US border now shut down in solidarity w/ #NoDAPL https://t.co/cYMsNV4awe #shutitdown
— Tim DeChristopher (@dechristopher) October 11, 2016
Whoa: a crew of activists with #ShutItDown may have just manually turned off all the tar sands pipelines entering the U.S. pic.twitter.com/rI05uHCYAa
— Jamie Henn (@Agent350) October 11, 2016