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Bruce Springsteen: Donald Trump is a “Flagrant, Toxic Narcissist”

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In an interview with Channel 4 in Britain, the legendary musician Bruce Springsteen shared his thoughts on the race. “[Donald Trump]'s going to lose, and he knows that. He knows he's going to lose. And he’s such a flagrant, toxic narcissist that he wants to take down the entire democratic system with him if he goes,” Springsteen said. “And the words that he’s been using over the past several weeks really are an attack on the entire democratic process.”

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This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AMY GOODMAN: Well, you might have heard Professor Glaude reference “The Boss.” Let’s turn to Bruce Springsteen in his own words, speaking to Channel 4 in Britain.

BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN: I mean, I know some Trump voters, you know. But I think that he’s really—he’s really preyed upon that part of the country, because he gives these very glib and superficial answers to very, very entrenched and very difficult problems, but they’re answers that sound pretty good if you’ve struggled for the past 20 or 30 years. So—

MATT FREI: You can understand his appeal?

BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN: Yeah, yeah, I can understand that there’s somebody with simple answers to very complicated questions, who sound like they’re listening to you for the first time.

MATT FREI: Do you think the people who like him are racists?

BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN: No, no, I don’t believe that—you can’t generalize like that. You know, I think—I think there’s all kinds of people that are interested in him for a variety of different reasons.

MATT FREI: Do you think that rage will go away after this election?

BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN: No, no. I don’t know how it’s going to manifest itself, but it will manifest itself somehow, you know?

MATT FREI: Do you think there might be some trouble? I mean, you know, we’ve already seen some strife on the streets and—

BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN: Well, the trouble at the moment is, is you have Donald Trump who is talking about rigged elections. And he’s not—he has a feeling he’s going to lose now, which he—of course, he is going to lose.

MATT FREI: You’re confident?

BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. He’s going to lose. And he knows that. He knows he’s going to lose. And he’s such a flagrant, toxic narcissist that he wants to take down the entire democratic system with him if he goes. If he could reflect on these things, maybe he’d have—but he’s such an unreflective person. And he doesn’t—he simply has no sense of decency and no sense of responsibility about him. And the words that he’s been using over the past several weeks really are an attack on the entire democratic process.

MATT FREI: And is that dangerous?

BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN: Yeah, it is. I think it’s very dangerous. He does have a lot of people’s ears. And I don’t think he’s going to go quietly into the—you know, gently into the good night. I think he’s going to make a big a mess as he can. And I don’t know what that’s going to mean, but we’ll find out shortly.

AMY GOODMAN: That’s Bruce Springsteen, speaking to Channel 4 in Britain. This is Democracy Now! We’ll be back in a minute.


AMY GOODMAN: “Mansion on the Hill” by Bruce Springsteen, here on Democracy Now!,, The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman, with Nermeen Shaikh.

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