Demonstrations are continuing across the United States over the fatal police shootings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota. On Monday, hundreds rallied in Chicago and Atlanta, where Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed met with protesters following a sit-in outside the governor’s mansion. In multiple cities, including Atlanta and Baton Rouge, rival gangs the Bloods and the Crips have called truces in order to organize together against police brutality—a move reminiscent of the Los Angeles gang truce during the Rodney King protests. Meanwhile, white activists in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement also held a day of action in seven different cities, including in Fairfax, Virginia, where four people were arrested blocking traffic. This comes as the Triple S convenience store owner who filmed Alton Sterling’s death one week ago has sued the police. Abdullah Muflahi says the police took his phone, locked him for hours in a police car and seized his security camera footage without a warrant.