- Jill Stein2016 presidential nominee for the Green Party. She was the Green Party’s 2012 presidential nominee.
Over the last few weeks, the U.S.-backed, Saudi-led coalition in Yemen has killed dozens of civilians and bombed at least one school and one hospital supported by Doctors Without Borders. A number of activists, politicians and news outlets, including The New York Times, are calling on the United States to stop arms sales to Saudi Arabia over the ongoing conflict. But Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein is going even further—calling on the U.S. to stop all funding for Israel and Saudi Arabia. For more, we speak with Jill Stein and her running mate, Ajamu Baraka.
AMY GOODMAN: How has your message, Dr. Jill Stein, on Israel-Palestine and what you’re demanding, the planks in the Green Party platform, been covered and received?
DR. JILL STEIN: Well, really, none of our planks have been covered and received, not only our position on Israel-Palestine, our position on foreign policy, our position on jobs and climate and student debt. We’ve basically been disappeared from the mainstream conversation. But I have to say, you know, in terms of our own outreach and our—you know, the reach of our social media and our campaign and the independent media, like yourself, that actually does its job responsibly, the reception has been incredible.
And we’ve been able to put Israel-Palestine into a much broader human rights framework, actually, because one of the big criticisms that’s always been leveled against, for example, the BDS campaign, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against this occupying force, this military force—one of the criticisms is that, “Oh, you’re singling out Israel.” So, we’ve made it a point to say we’re not singling out anybody; this is a general standard of international law and human rights that our administration, our Green administration, would apply to all countries. So, we are saying, if countries are in violation of international law and human rights, as Israel is for its occupations, its home demolitions, its assassinations and so on, that we will not support you. And right now we’re supporting Israel to the tune of $8 million a day. But we’ll say the same thing to the Saudis. We should not be selling weapons or otherwise supporting the Saudis—and, as you pointed out on this show, $110 billion in the last decade, and rising, despite the human rights abuses and the war crimes being committed by the Saudis, with U.S. assistance, in fact. You know, this is one of many issues that I think people are really clamoring to hear more about.
AMY GOODMAN: Do you join the call of The New York Times and Guardian editorial boards for U.S. and British governments to end their support of Saudi Arabia in Yemen?
DR. JILL STEIN: I would say they are joining our call, which has been long-standing, for the length of our campaign.
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