Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has threatened to leave the U.N. after U.N. human rights experts urged him to stop extrajudicial killings by police. Police have killed about 900 suspected drug traffickers since Duterte was elected in May. During his campaign, he promised to fight crime, but human rights groups say many of those killed have been summarily shot or had nothing to do with the drug trade. More than 100,000 people have turned themselves in to police for drug offenses to avoid the prospect of a violent arrest. Duterte made his comments in a speech on Sunday and suggested he might invite China and others countries to form an alternative coalition to the U.N.
President Rodrigo Duterte: “What have you done for the world, Mr. United Nations? … You know, if he comes here, you tell him straight: Mayor Duterte would only ask five questions to prove that you are stupid.”