In California, Judge Aaron Persky has recused himself from another sexual crimes case, amid the ongoing controversy over his lenient sentencing of former Stanford swimmer Brock Turner. In June, Persky gave Turner a six-month jail sentence for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster, saying he was concerned a longer prison sentence would have a “severe impact” on the Stanford University swimmer. Persky has also sparked controversy over his 2015 decision to give Robert Chain a four-day prison sentence, after Chain pleaded guilty to possessing child abuse images. Persky has now stepped down from Chain’s case, which has a hearing on Thursday over whether Chain’s charge will be reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor. More than 1 million people have signed a petition demanding Persky be removed from the bench.
California: Judge Persky Recuses Himself from Another Case
HeadlineAug 24, 2016