Meanwhile, Charlotte police have arrested a man they accuse of shooting and killing a protester during demonstrations over Keith Lamont Scott’s death. Twenty-six-year-old Justin Carr was apparently shot in the head near a line of riot police during protests last Wednesday in uptown Charlotte. He died in the hospital on Thursday. On Friday, officers charged Rayquan Borum with Carr’s murder. Charlotte Police Chief Kerr Putney said extensive video evidence was used to identify Borum, though the department has not made those videos public. Several eyewitnesses dispute the police’s explanation. Charlotte public defender Eddie Thomas told The Guardian he believes the protester was shot by a tear gas canister, pepper ball or other police projectile that caused him to stumble back and hit his head on the brick sidewalk. But Daily Beast reporter Ryan James says he witnessed a civilian firing a pistol into a crowd, leaving Carr lying on the ground in a pool of blood.
Police Arrest Charlotte Man in Protester Justin Carr’s Death
HeadlineSep 26, 2016