Trump says he’ll announce his pick to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat on the Supreme Court later today. There appears to be three front-running candidates: Judge Neil Gorsuch, Judge Thomas Hardiman and Judge William Pryor. Pryor is a fierce opponent of abortion who has called Roe v. Wade the “worst abomination of constitutional law in our history.” Hardiman serves on the same court as Trump’s sister, Judge Maryanne Trump Barry. He’s a proponent of expanding access to guns in the U.S., and he’s ruled against people arguing their rights were violated after they were strip-searched in a New Jersey jail. Neil Gorsuch ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby in the case over whether the company can refuse to provide birth control coverage to employees as required by Obamacare. Senate Democrats have vowed to filibuster the court nomination regardless of who Trump picks. The filibuster would mark the second time in modern U.S. history that the Senate has launched a filibuster against a Supreme Court nominee.