Meanwhile, The New York Times reported Thursday two White House officials met secretly with Republican House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes last week on the White House grounds to show him secret U.S. intelligence reports. Nunes said the documents indicated Trump or his associates might have been “incidentally” swept up in surveillance carried out by American spy agencies as they conducted foreign surveillance. On the day after the secret meeting, Nunes, who served on Trump’s transition team, held a press conference and then traveled back to the White House to supposedly brief the president about the documents the president’s own staff had given him. On Thursday, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, California’s Adam Schiff, responded to the revelations about the documents shown to Nunes.
Rep. Adam Schiff: “It raises a profound question: why they were not directly provided to the White House by the national security staff, and instead were provided through a circuitous route involving the chairman. If that was designed to hide the origin of the materials, that raises profound questions about just what the White House is doing.”
Nunes is facing increasing calls to recuse himself from the House Intelligence probe. We’ll have more on the investigation into alleged ties between Trump officials and Russia after headlines.