In Denver, Colorado, U.S. immigration officers arrested Arturo Hernández García Wednesday morning, nearly two years after authorities said he was no longer a target for deportation. In a statement to The Denver Post, ICE spokesperson Carl Rusnok said, “Hernández García has overstayed his original, six-month visa by nearly 14 years. He has exhausted his petitions through the immigration courts and through ICE.” Hernández García’s supporters believe there are political motivations behind his arrest, including his immigration activism. Jennifer Piper of the American Friends Service Committee said, “Nothing has changed in his case other than Trump is president now.” Hernández García sought refuge inside Denver’s First Unitarian Society church in 2014, where he stayed for nine months as he fought to remain in the U.S. with his wife and two children. After headlines, we’ll go to Denver to speak with Jennifer Piper about Hernández García’s case and the Trump administration’s crackdown on undocumented immigrants.