Protests against Kavanaugh’s nomination continue to rage across the country. In West Virginia, 17 women gathered inside the Charleston, West Virginia, office of Democratic Senator Joe Manchin Monday, saying they’ll occupy the space until Manchin pledges to vote “no” on Kavanaugh’s confirmation. At Washington, D.C.’s National Airport, women survivors of sexual assault tried to speak with Senator Mitch McConnell Monday as he walked across a terminal, but were ignored by the Republican majority leader.
Protester 1: “Senator McConnell, why do women have to bear their whole soul to you until their whole [inaudible]?”
Protester 2: “How many stories of sexual violence do you need to hear in order to believe women?”
In New York City, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the Yale Club in Manhattan Monday before marching to Grand Central Station to protest Kavanaugh’s nomination. This is Tre Kwon, an activist with the New York State Nurses Association and editor of Left Voice.
Tre Kwon: “Some of us recall from the news Anita Hill 15 years ago. We are here to make sure another Anita Hill does not go down. She was dissected in front of a stony-faced wall of white men. She was humiliated doubly, first with the sexist harassment from Clarence Thomas and again by a system that caps women and does not allow the truth to be heard and does not allow truth to be spoken to power. We are here today to make sure that does not happen again.”