Meanwhile, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, known as ICE, has detained a prominent immigrant and reproductive rights activist named Alejandra Pablos. Advocates say her detention during her routine ICE check-in in Phoenix is retaliation for her activism, particularly for protesting outside the Homeland Security Department office in Virginia earlier this year. Pablos works for the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health. She is a legal permanent resident who grew up in Arizona, but a conviction for driving under the influence nearly a decade ago makes her subject to deportation. This is Alejandra Pablos, speaking in a Facebook video after she was detained.
Alejandra Pablos: “If you’re seeing this, I just got detained by ICE. I went to go check in. I went to court yesterday. I turned in my political asylum application. And I have court on December 14th. But I went in today thinking that they were going to readjust my bond. I was recently detained in Virginia at a protest, a DHS protest. And now I’m being detained illegally, and I’m going to the Eloy Detention Center, where I was already there for two years. … They’re retaliating against all activists, all organizers, people who have advocacy and who are out there fighting.”