In Arizona, activist Scott Warren of the group No More Deaths is heading back to court for a second trial today for providing water, food, clean clothes and beds to two undocumented migrants crossing the Sonoran Desert in southern Arizona. Warren has been indicted on felony harboring charges. If convicted, he could spend up to 10 years in prison. A jury deadlocked after his first trial five months ago. In August, Democracy Now! accompanied Scott Warren into the Sonoran Desert of Arizona as No More Deaths activists dropped food and water for migrants attempting the deadly crossing. This is Warren.
Scott Warren: “So, there’s the direct impact on people who have died, people who have suffered out here, people who have been disappeared, and then the ripple effects of their families, the trauma that that creates. The traumatic experience of this is another way that it can feel like a conflict or like a war zone. I don’t like the war zone rhetoric that you typically hear politicians use, because it’s deployed to increase militarization and building of walls. But it’s appropriate when you think about the trauma that people have faced as they cross through these areas, and the trauma that their families experience and the pain.”