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Russian Strikes on Kharkiv Kill 12, Wound Dozens

HeadlineAug 18, 2022

In Ukraine, Russian strikes on the northeastern city of Kharkiv overnight left at least 12 people dead and dozens more injured. In the deadliest of the attacks, a three-story residential building was flattened after it took a direct hit from a Russian missile. Video of the aftermath showed rescue workers sifting through the rubble of the building, which once housed about 50 people.

Dmytro Chubenko: “As of the midnight hour, we have seven dead and 16 wounded as a result of the rocket hit. These are the people who were inside the building who survived and also people who were in buildings nearby who sustained varying degrees of injuries from shrapnel, glass and other things.”

Human Rights Watch has condemned Russia’s assault on Kharkiv, accusing it of indiscriminately firing banned cluster munitions into populated areas, damaging healthcare facilities and homes.

Elsewhere, Ukraine’s military says it struck an ammunition depot near frontline fighting in the Kherson region. An adviser to President Volodymyr Zelensky said Ukrainian forces had reached a “strategic deadlock” in the war, with only minimal Russian advances.

Today, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres is meeting with President Zelensky in the western city of Lviv, where they’ll be joined by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to discuss a deal to allow Ukraine to safely export grain from Black Sea ports.

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