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Another Bloody Weekend in the West Bank as Israelis Kill at Least 5 Palestinians, Incl. Teenagers

HeadlineAug 07, 2023

In the occupied West Bank, Israelis killed at least five Palestinians over the weekend. Three people were shot dead Sunday after Israeli soldiers opened fire at their vehicle at the Jenin refugee camp. Just two days earlier, 18-year-old Mahmoud Abu Saan was killed by Israeli forces during a raid in the city of Tulkarem. Later that Friday, 19-year-old Qusai Matan was murdered by armed Israeli settlers who stormed the village of Burqa near Ramallah. Two suspects have been arrested, praised by Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir as “heroes.” Laila Ghannam, governor of Ramallah, cited the complicity of the international community in Israel’s abuses against Palestinians as she spoke following the killing.

Gov. Laila Ghannam: “Today there was a real massacre in Burqa. The settlers burned cars, and the child was assassinated from zero distance, according to witnesses. And we have to call him a 'child' and use the correct words and labels for these crimes.”

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