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Dominican Pres. Abinader Starts 2nd Term After Enacting Hard-Line Immigration Policy Against Haitians

HeadlineAug 19, 2024

In the Dominican Republic, President Luis Abinader has been sworn in for a second term, vowing economic reforms and to carry on a ban on asylum seekers from neighboring Haiti. Abinader’s government has increased raids and deportations of Haitians and also began construction of a 100-mile concrete wall along the border with Haiti, which is experiencing a worsening humanitarian crisis. Haitian leaders skipped Abinader’s inauguration Friday. Abinader spoke from the capital Santo Domingo.

President Luis Abinader: “We know the problems of Haiti need to be solved there through dialogue and the participation of the whole society. With the same strength with which we demanded the intervention of the international community in Haiti, we ask that Haiti is not forgotten again. You can’t ask more of the Dominican Republic, because we have already done enough.”

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