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Women Affected by Abortion Bans in GOP-Led States Share Harrowing Experiences from DNC Stage

HeadlineAug 20, 2024

Also on the first night of the DNC, three speakers — Amanda Zurawski, Kaitlyn Joshua and Hadley Duvall — shared their experiences with abortion, a central issue in November’s election. Zurawski was one of a group of women who sued Texas last year after they were denied abortions, even as their pregnancies posed serious risks to their health and were nonviable. Kaitlyn Joshua described her experience living through Louisiana’s abortion ban.

Kaitlyn Joshua: “Two years ago, my husband and I were expecting our second child. Our daughter Lauryn couldn’t wait to be a big sister. I was getting ready for her fourth birthday party, when something didn’t feel right. Two emergency rooms sent me away. Because of Louisiana’s abortion ban, no one would confirm that I was miscarrying. I was in pain, bleeding so much my husband feared for my life. No woman should experience what I endured, but too many have. They write to me saying, 'What happened to you happened to me.' Sometimes they’re miscarrying, scared to tell anyone, even their doctors. Our daughters deserve better. America deserves better.”

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