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Michael Brown’s Mother Still Fighting for Justice 10 Years After Her Son’s Killing by Ferguson Officer

HeadlineAug 09, 2024

Today marks 10 years since the police killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. His death sparked an uprising led by the Black Lives Matter movement in Ferguson and across the U.S. Brown had graduated high school just eight days before his killing. Brown’s mother Lezley McSpadden was interviewed recently by GMA3, where she said she is still seeking justice for her son. This is part of that interview.

DeMarco Morgan: “How would you like for your son, your baby, to be remembered?”

Lezley McSpadden: “As a great big brother. All of his siblings love him. He would have been a great contribution to this world, had his time not been cut short.”

Brown was killed by white police officer Darren Wilson, but a grand jury and a federal investigation cleared Wilson. St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell, who just defeated Congressmember Cori Bush in a closely watched primary, also refused in 2020 to press criminal charges against Wilson.

Today, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights is set to present Brown’s case before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on behalf of Brown’s mother.

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