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1 Killed, 3 Wounded in Major Ukrainian Drone Attack on Russia

HeadlineSep 10, 2024

Russia’s military says it shot down 144 drones launched from Ukraine at targets inside Russia in an overnight wave of attacks that killed a 46-year-old woman in her Moscow home. Three others were injured as the blast tore through a high-rise apartment building early this morning, setting other residential buildings on fire. Witnesses described a chaotic scene.

Alexander Li: “We were asleep. I got up to go to work. I looked through the window and saw a ball of fire. I had just a second to cover my spouse with a blanket. The window got smashed out by a shock wave. … 

Rada Li: “Everything is messed up there.”

Alexander Li: “We were in shock. I grabbed whatever was nearby — children, the dog, everything — and ran away, because we thought that our home would collapse, as well.”

Ukrainian officials have yet to comment on their latest drone attacks on Russia.

On Monday, NATO warned Moscow over violations of Latvian and Romanian airspace by Russian drones, calling them “irresponsible and potentially dangerous.” Latvian officials said they recovered wreckage of an Iranian-designed Shahed drone that crashed 60 miles from Latvia’s border with Belarus on Saturday. Meanwhile, Sweden’s government says it’s preparing to transfer Saab fighter jets to Ukraine as part of an increase in Swedish arms shipments.

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