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Miami Police Video Shows Officers Violently Detaining NFL Star Tyreek Hill

HeadlineSep 10, 2024
Image Credit: Miami-Dade Police Department

In Florida, the Miami-Dade Police Department has released footage showing how officers stopped and handcuffed Miami Dolphins star Tyreek Hill as he drove to Sunday’s game. The video reveals officers rapidly escalated the situation from a simple traffic stop to a violent detention, twice pressing Hill facedown into the pavement.

Police officer 1: “Get out of the car right now. We’re not playing this game. Get out.”

Police officer 2: “Get out. Get out!”

Tyreek Hill: “I’m getting out. I’m getting out.”

Police officer 2: “Get out. Get out!”

Tyreek Hill: “Damn.”

Police officer 2: “What part of 'get out' do you not understand?”

In a statement, the Miami Dolphins wrote, “It is both maddening and heartbreaking to watch the very people we trust to protect our community use such unnecessary force and hostility towards these players, yet it is also a reminder that not every situation like this ends in peace, as we are grateful this one did. 'What if I wasn't Tyreek Hill?’ is a question that will carry with resounding impact.” Another Dolphins player, Calais Campbell, who came to deescalate the situation, was also handcuffed.

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