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Texas Sues to Gain Access to Medical Records of Patients Who Travel for Abortions

HeadlineSep 10, 2024

Texas is suing the Biden administration over federal privacy rules that bar investigators from viewing medical records of patients who travel out of state to have an abortion. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton says the rule creates a “backdoor attempt at weakening Texas’s laws,” which ban nearly all abortions.

In Missouri, an amendment that could undo the state’s near-total abortion ban is at risk of being removed from the ballot after a Missouri judge ruled Friday the campaign to get the ballot measure did not sufficiently explain the amendment in the signature-gathering phase. Missourians for Constitutional Freedom, the group behind the ballot measure, is arguing its case today before the state Supreme Court, which will need to make an immediate decision since today is also the deadline for any ballot changes before they are printed for mail-in voters.

Meanwhile, the Nebraska Supreme Court heard arguments Monday in lawsuits against two separate abortion ballot measures. Nebraska currently has a 12-week abortion ban.

And in more related news, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s “election police” unit has been investigating voters who signed ballot petitions for Amendment 4, Florida’s abortion rights measure which would toss out the state’s six-week abortion ban. Since it was formed in 2022, DeSantis’s election police has been deployed to intimidate voters, in particular likely Democratic voters.

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