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U.N. Evacuates 100 Gaza Patients for Treatment in UAE, Says 25% of War Injuries “Life-Changing”

HeadlineSep 13, 2024

Israeli strikes have killed at least 40 people across Gaza today as U.N. chief António Guterres is once again calling for an immediate ceasefire following Israel’s massacre at the U.N.-run al-Jaouni school which killed at least 18 people Wednesday, including six U.N. employees — the deadliest day in UNRWA’s history.

The World Health Organization said Thursday it had evacuated about 100 people in need of medical treatment from Gaza to the United Arab Emirates, and called for regular evacuations to resume after Israel’s assault decimated Gaza’s health system. This is a cancer patient awaiting evacuation.

Bayan Munir Abu Sultan: “I’m suffering from Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and this type of cancer spreads very quickly. In one or two months, it spreads throughout your entire body, unlike other types of cancer. My trip was extremely tiring, and I came here to the south so I can travel and get treated outside the country, by God’s will.”

In related news, the WHO says 25% of Palestinians in Gaza wounded by Israel’s ongoing assault have “life-changing” injuries.

The U.N. is warning the Palestinian economy — which was already devastated before October 7 due to Israel’s occupation and blockade — is “in freefall” and could completely collapse.

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