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Attacks by Russia and Ukraine Leave Civilians Dead and Wounded

HeadlineSep 03, 2024

In Ukraine, at least 47 people were injured on Sunday when a Russian missile struck a shopping mall and sports center in the northeastern city of Kharkiv. Seven children were wounded. That attack came just two days after another Russian strike on Kharkiv hit a residential building and a playground, killing seven people and injuring 77 others. A 14-year-old girl was among the dead. Russian cruise missile attacks prompted air raid alerts in Kyiv and other major cities overnight, following a similar barrage on Monday. Meanwhile, students in the Russian city of Belgorod — near the border with Ukraine — opened the new school year Monday with online classes, after a Ukrainian attack destroyed a child care center. Belgorod’s governor said a separate weekend attack by Ukraine killed five people and wounded 46 others, including children. Ukraine is continuing its incursion into Russia’s Kursk region even as Russia’s military continues to gain territory in Ukraine’s east.

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