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Israel Continues Deadly West Bank Incursion, Destroying Streets, Homes, Water & Health Infrastructure

HeadlineSep 05, 2024

In the occupied West Bank, at least five Palestinians were killed today in an Israeli airstrike on a car in the city of Tubas. A sixth Palestinian, 16-year-old Majed Fida Abu Zeina, was shot dead by Israeli forces in the Faraa refugee camp near Tubas. The Wafa news agency reports Israeli forces barred ambulances from reaching the boy and dragged his body out of the camp using a military bulldozer.

On Wednesday, mourners held a funeral procession near Jenin for a Palestinian girl killed by an Israeli sniper. This is the girl Lujain’s father, Osama Musleh.

Osama Musleh: “The soldiers are surrounding the town. I tried to save her. I tried to do something, but I couldn’t. The army is surrounding our area. I called for ambulance. They arrived late because a snipper shot toward them. … She is 16 years old. The only thing she did is she looked from the window, and the soldier saw her and shot her, one bullet that targeted her forehead.”

At least 19 people have been killed in Jenin since last week, when Israel launched its largest West Bank offensive in two decades. Jenin’s Governor Kamal Abu al-Rub said Israeli armored bulldozers have razed 70% of Jenin’s streets, destroying more than a dozen miles of water and sewage pipes along with electrical and communication cables. Jenin’s main public hospital has been locked down, and 4,000 residents of Jenin have been forced from their homes at gunpoint.

Gov. Kamal Abu al-Rub: “The situation in the areas which are under siege is bad. The Israeli army is preventing food, water, ambulances and journalists from reaching these besieged areas, so we don’t know what is happening in the areas which they consider to be military closed areas. We are getting lots of calls for help. … This invasion is the worst, largest and most painful to Palestinian people because the Israeli army is destroying the infrastructure, which means a blow to the local economy in Jenin.”

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