What does Democracy Now! bring to my local station?
How is Democracy Now! funded?
Is there a cost to air Democracy Now!?
What type of stations air Democracy Now!?
What broadcast formats are available?
Covering news with a diversity of local and global voices and perspectives makes Democracy Now! a unique broadcast news platform which attracts a diverse, highly involved public affairs-focused audience of all ages. The Democracy Now! audience is predominantly committed public media supporters. Democracy Now! news stories offer fresh insights to current events and offers stations an important balance to other daily news and public affairs programming.
As an independent news program, Democracy Now! is audience-supported, which means editorial independence is never compromised by corporate underwriting, advertising revenue or government interests. Democracy Now!’s daily news reporting provides a unique and sometimes provocative perspective on national and global events not heard in commercial media.
Democracy Now! has been recognized around the globe by prestigious juries for solid, courageous journalism. Co-hosts Amy Goodman and Juan González and the Democracy Now! news team has garnered more than 60 top journalism awards including:
And dozens of other awards and accolades.
Since 2005 Democracy Now! has offered Los Titulares de Hoy, a translation of the English language daily news headlines making them available to Spanish-speaking audiences across the U.S., Latin America and around the world.
Today, more than 430 Spanish language media outlets carry Democracy Now! en Español programming including the daily 15-minute Los Titulares de Hoy and a Spanish translation of Amy Goodman’s weekly column.
All Spanish language broadcast quality audio mp3s and text are available at www.democracynow.org/es at no cost to stations and publications as long as a credit to Democracy Now! is provided. Broadcasters, please send us contact and schedule information.
Democracy Now! is a non-profit organization funded through individual donations from viewers and listeners and foundation grants. Democracy Now! does not accept any corporate underwriting, advertising, or government funding.
Because programming cost should never be a barrier to stations airing quality independent news, Democracy Now! is offered at no cost to public, college and community access TV, radio and internet stations
Democracy Now! airs on more than 50 PBS channels and is carried on 40 NPR stations, hundreds of college and independent community TV and radio stations including public access and PEG television channels around the U.S. as well as TV, radio and online channels around the world.
Many of these stations broadcast the news hour on multiple channels and frequencies, some up to 3 times a day.
To get started with Democracy Now!, contact us via email or call 212-431-9090 ext 802.