The success of Democracy Now! is due not only to our committed staff and volunteers, but to hundreds of activists around the country and the world who are working to publicize and bring DN! to their communities.
We want you to feel empowered! We want you to know that it is YOU, who can change your local media scene to include our independent, unembedded news program. Like all campaigns to bring Democracy Now! to new stations, there may be ups and downs along the way. It is important to be patient and stay positive.
To help inspire you and your coalition or group, here are some recent success stories about how people across the country got their local TV or radio station to broadcast Democracy Now! We have also included stories about how people have helped expand the audience by spreading the word about Democracy Now!
If you have a story about how you helped get Democracy Now! on your station or a story about a successful fund raising event, send it to outreach@democracynow.org.