By setting up a table you can display useful information about DN! that people can take with them. Ask our outreach team for DN! brochures and use materials from our downloadable resources section.
What to Put on Your Table:
There are hundreds of ways to grab people’s attention so don’t let our short list inhibit your creativity!
Tabling Tips
When tabling, your goal is to get people interested in the show and energized about your campaign. It can be disheartening when people are too busy to talk with you. But keep your chin up! You are doing important work, getting even one new listener/viewer makes a huge difference.
The three most important points of tabling are:
1. A good location increases the number of people who will casually walk by and possibly start up a conversation with you.
2. Making eye contact, smiling, and calling out tag-lines to perk their interest are essential ways to attract people to the table. Being friendly and welcoming makes people less nervous to come up to your table. Once they are looking at the table, try engaging them in conversation about DN!
3. Familiarity with the show allows you to be able to talk in depth and comfortably about DN! By simply listening to/watching the show you should be fine!
If you choose to make your own materials, please send us a copy so that we can facilitate the sharing of ideas among DN! supporters around the country. Contact the Democracy Now! Outreach Team by email: Email: outreach@democracynow.org or call us at: 212-431-9090 x802