- Steve Rendallsenior analyst at Fairness and
Accuracy In Reporting otherwise known as FAIR, a media
watchdog group based in New York. FAIR is helping to organize
demonstrations at offices of The LA Times, the New York Times
and The Washington Post in five cities nationwide on Monday. - Joe Madisona civil rights activist who hosts a talk
radio show in Washington DC.
When The San Jose Mercury News last year ran an expose linking the CIA Contra Army in Nicaragua and Crack Cocaine trafficking in the United States, the mainstream media studiously ignored the revelations. But when the Dark Alliance series by reporter Gary Webb sparked grassroots outrage and sharp attacks on the CIA for — at a minimum — sanctioning illegal narcotics trafficking, the major newspapers were forced to pay attention. However, The LA Times, The New York Times and The Washington Post — among others — all published stories downplaying the story or attacking the San Jose Mercury News. Now community activists and media watch groups are organizing against both the media and the CIA with two major actions next week. Joining us to discuss the press reaction to the San Jose Mercury News stories and the mobilization next week are Steve Rendall, a senior analyst at Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting otherwise known as FAIR, a media watchdog group based in New York. FAIR is helping to organize demonstrations at offices of The LA Times, the New York Times and The Washington Post in five cities nationwide on Monday.
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