Yesterday, over 1000 readings of the ancient Greek anti-war comedy, Lysistrata were held in 59 countries and every state in the U.S. as a way for actors the world over to register their opposition to a war on Iraq. Conceived just 6 weeks ago, by New York actors Kathryn Blume and Sharron Bower, the global theatrical anti-war protest will raise money for humanitarian aid groups working in the Middle East.
There are events in Russia, China and in the jungle in Hawaii, in Athens and in Iceland, at homemakers’ reading groups in the Midwest and on sidewalks and subway platforms, parks and theaters, high schools, churches and bars.
Lysistrata tells the story of women from opposing states who unite to end a war by refusing to sleep with their men until they agree to lay down their swords. Powerless in their society, with too many of their sons and husbands being slaughtered in battle, the women take the only tactic available to them: a sex strike.
Fast-forward 2,400 years: swords are now weapons of mass destruction. Faced with the prospect of massive loss of human life — both Iraqi and American — Lysistrata Project participants worldwide take a new tactic and add their voices to the mounting clamor of global antiwar protests.
Joining us in the studio is The Lysistrata project co-founder Katheryn Blume.
- Kathryn Blume, Lysistrata project co-founder.
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And later today in San Francisco, the anti-war group Direct Action to Stop the War is planning to call for the shutdown of financial districts and other nonviolent direct actions in the event of a U.S. attack on Iraq.
Joining them will be a most unusual anti-war protester, Warren Langley, the former President of Pacific Stock Exchange
He is now working with Direct Action to Stop the War to organize civil disobedience across the world on the first business day after a U.S. attack.
- Warren Langley, former President of Pacific Stock Exchange and former Lt. Col of the US Air Force for fifteen years.
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