After a two-year battle with cancer, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has died at the age of 58. The news was delivered by Vice President Nicolás Maduro, who said, “It’s a moment of deep pain.”
See our interviews with Hugo Chávez below and in-depth look at related coverage.
2009: “Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez on How to Tackle Climate Change: We Must Go from Capitalism to Socialism
Part 1: Hugo Chávez: If the Imperialist Government of the White House Dares to Invade Venezuela, the War of 100 Years Will be Unleashed in South America
Part 2: Venezuela’s President Chávez Offers Cheap Oil to the Poor…of the United States
Debate: With Chávez Ailing, Venezuela’s Longstanding Divisions Threaten New Political Upheaval
Hugo Chávez to George W. Bush: Gringo Go Home
Click here to see much more coverage of Hugo Chávez on Democracy Now!