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Republicans Vow to Fight Iran Nuclear Deal

HeadlineJul 15, 2015

Congressional Republicans are vowing to fight the Obama administration’s historic nuclear deal with Iran and five other world powers. The agreement reached Tuesday will see Iran reduce its stockpile of low-enriched uranium by 98 percent and cut its number of centrifuges by two-thirds. In exchange, Iran will see an easing of international sanctions that have battered the economy, causing food insecurity and medication shortages. Republican House Speaker John Boehner vowed to oppose the agreement.

House Speaker John Boehner: “Billions of dollars in sanctions relief while paving the way for a nuclear Iran. And this isn’t about Democrats or Republicans. It’s not a partisan issue at all. It’s about right versus wrong. And we’re going to do everything we can to get to the details, and if in fact it’s as bad a deal as I think it is at this moment, we’ll do everything we can to stop it.”

Congress will have 60 days to review the deal. President Obama has vowed to veto any attempt to block the agreement through legislation. To override his veto, Congress would need a two-thirds majority in both chambers, meaning Obama would only needs 34 votes to keep the deal secure. In Iran, residents poured out into the streets to celebrate the agreement, which many hope will help lead to a normalization of ties with the West.

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