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Israel Passes Resolution Rejecting Palestinian Statehood

HeadlineJul 18, 2024

Israeli lawmakers overwhelmingly passed a resolution opposing Palestinian statehood. It’s the first time the Knesset has passed such a resolution.

Also on Wednesday, United Nations chief António Guterres blamed a surge in illegal Israeli settlement expansions in the occupied West Bank for scuppering a future two-state system, saying, “Recent developments are driving a stake through the heart of any prospect for a two-state solution.”
Meanwhile, Palestine’s U.N. ambassador addressed a Security Council meeting in New York Wednesday, where he called for an end to the “most documented genocide in history.” This is Riyad Mansour.

Riyad Mansour: “There is a global consensus in support of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and a two-state solution in line with U.N. resolutions and international law. There is more convergence on the Palestine question than on any other matter on the international agenda. And there is one isolated fanatic government rejecting this international consensus and attacking every institution entrusted with upholding the international law-based order.”

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