Nobel laureate and Nigerian human rights activist Wole Soyinka presided over a citizens’ tribunal on Sudan, which charged the Sudanese president with genocide and crimes against humanity.
Wole Soyinka: “We, the judges of the International Citizens’ Tribunal for Sudan, find the defendant, Omar Hasan al-Bashir, guilty as charged.”
Soyinka told Reuters that the United Nations has not acted effectively and that the African Union is “playing footsie” with Sudan.
Wole Soyinka: “In the meantime, what is happening to the victims? In the meantime, the final solution—and I use that expression very deliberately—the final solution is being prepared and is already in fact gradually being implemented. The world cannot pretend not to know this. Now the investigation going on at The Hague is not going to spur the United Nations to action on behalf of a suffering humanity.”
At the mock trial, a Sudanese man named Mohamed Elgadi testified.
Mohamed Elgadi: “Definitely, as a victim of torture, I don’t ask to import the same kind of what happened to me to them. I just want justice. I want them to recognize what they did and say, 'Sorry, sorry,' and then we will decide what to do.”