Meanwhile the Supreme Court is expected to rule today on the legality of military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay. The case — Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld — may decide the future of the prison camp. Today’s ruling comes as a number of former Guantanamo prisoners are speaking out. Mamdouh Habib, a citizen of Australia, spoke with Reuters this week and discussed the conditions at the prison where he was held for almost three years.
- Mamdouh Habib: “Very bright light and cold freezing like fridge and they are very secure, and always light on and you are not allowed to, you can see nobody, all the time, 24 hours. Torture is very different, they give you injection all the time, they make you feel like…they try to make you crazy, and sometimes no water, they give you no water, toilet is always blockage, and sometimes they have like a water, a black water, like oil, comes from the ceiling.”
Meanwhile in Afghanistan, another former detainee named Sher Bad Khan described his experience at Guantanamo.
- Sher Bad Khan: “There was no respect for human beings in Guantanamo, they don’t treat the prisoners as a human beings, we were inside a cage. During interrogation we were treated very badly, they were beating, slapping, punishing us. They had no respect for human beings at all.”