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Obama Admin: 106,000 Enrollments in Health Exchanges’ 1st Month

HeadlineNov 14, 2013

The Obama administration has unveiled low enrollment figures for the first month of the troubled healthcare exchange rollout. Just more than 106,000 people signed up for insurance on the federal and state-run marketplaces. The White House had initially predicted first-month enrollment of more than 500,000. At a House committee hearing on Wednesday, administration officials said improvements to the federal healthcare website are continuing.

Todd Park, White House chief technology officer: “The website is getting better each week, as we work to improve its performance, its stability and its functionality. As a result, more and more individuals are successfully creating accounts, logging in and moving on to apply for coverage and shop for plans. We have much work still to do, but are making progress at a growing rate.”

Henry Chao, deputy CIO, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: “We underestimated the volume of users who would attempt to concurrently access the system at any one time initially in October, and we immediately addressed the capacity issues in the first few days and continue to actively work on further improving performance and creating a better user experience.”

At Wednesday’s hearing, Republican Rep. Darrell Issa said the federal healthcare website poses dangers to users’ personal information. Issa’s comments drew a rebuke from Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings.

Rep. Darrell Issa: “Hackers, in fact, may have already or may soon find those vulnerabilities. They may soon find your Social Security number or your sensitive information, because there was no integrated security testing before the launch.”

Rep. Elijah Cummings: “Now they are attempting to use the congressional oversight process to scare Americans away from the website by once again making unsupported assertions about the risks to their personal medical information.”

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