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Russia to Veto U.N. Measure Referring Syrian Conflict to ICC

HeadlineMay 22, 2014

The Russian government says it will veto an expected vote today from the United Nations Security Council to refer the Syrian conflict to the International Criminal Court. Top U.N. officials have collected a list of figures to target for indictment on war crimes charges, mostly from the Syrian government. But Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin told reporters his government will stand in the way.

Vitaly Churkin: “The fact that the resolution is going to vote, we regard as simply a publicity stunt, which will have a detrimental effect, unfortunately, on our joint efforts in trying to resolve politically the crisis in Syria. But what will come, will come.”

It will be Russia’s fourth straight veto of a U.N. Security Council measure on Syria. The United States agreed to support the resolution after ensuring Israel would not face prosecution related to its occupation of Syria’s Golan Heights, which it seized in 1967.

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